Sunday, March 15, 2009

Girls.....boys just can't beat them when playing against them...

Heyaz people I might be taking a short hiatus,problably until my 1st term hols in 3 weeks so yeah,maybe less updates.Hopefully,I'll pull through and keep this bugger improvised.

As you know,this story is not about life,but about tennis...And yeah,I flunked to a girl again XD.

Well,the story begins with something weird from me.

I had a tennis buddy,Zack who said to me:"Girls are hot,aren't they?" =.= Certainly I was in no mood,and replied:"Don't think of girls,seriously,don't even try till you're done with your studies,got a job and stable income,etc,etc...After all,you don't wanna be a daddy when you're 18 right?"And aparently,ex-tennis college captain Steve,who's now coaching,so happens to catch a little of what I said...and I supposed he thought I said something pervy XD(Go figure out the sentence).

Ah well,I went about my tennis with one of my mates,Alex,who's a Pinoy just like half of me.We were told to practice our smashes with our partners who were girls.And guess what?I smashed,wrong direction and hit one of em.Ouch!!

She had a payback though,when we were playing a game which does not allow you to volley,I got forced to the net,and she hit towards me.Couldn't dodge,and the ball plowed through my stomach.The side effect:Stomach ache for the remainder of the time.

Next up,we had to play 1 game against each person.And yep,I lost to her again.Geez,I mean,me and Alex are shorter than the two girls and we're younger,so no shame right?hehe,called that being bullied XD.Girls are SOOOOO unfair because they're taller XD....